Book Summaries
Insightful book summaries with key themes, lessons, and quotes—helping you choose what to read next.
My Top Picks
Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger by Peter Bevelin
Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life by Boyd Varty
Mahabharata by C. Rajagopalachari
Book Summaries and Actionable Lessons
- The Little History of Philosophy: A Whirlwind Tour Through Thought
- Lee Kuan Yew: His Insights on China, the U.S. & the World (And Why They Still Matter)
- Crowd by Gustave Le Bon: Why We Lose Ourselves in the Mob
- Education of a Value Investor by Guy Spier: The Mindset Shift You Need for Success
- Tuesdays with Morrie: What a Dying Man Taught About Living Fully
- University of Berkshire Hathaway: How Buffett and Munger Mastered the Art of Business
- Rework by Jason Fried: Why Less Planning and More Doing is the Secret to Success
- The Practicing Mind: Why the Process Matters More Than the Goal
- Josh Waitzkin’s The Art of Learning – How to Learn Like a Champion