
Ostrich Effect in Real Life: Why We Avoid Reality?

Every day, we sidestep the things that matter most. That unopened email after a missed deadline. The health check-up you’ve postponed for “next month.” The credit card statement you’re too afraid to open after a splurge. It’s not laziness—it’s the ostrich effect, a psychological quirk that convinces us that ignorance is bliss.

But here’s the kicker: avoiding the truth doesn’t make it disappear—it just gives it more power over us.

When Avoidance Wins: The Ostrich Effect in Real Life

Ostrich Effect explained using this is fine dog.

It’s amusing how often we avoid the very things we know need attention—like my mum and her blood sugar tests.

Just last week in Mumbai, as we sat after dinner, I asked:

“Did you get your blood sugar checked this quarter?”

“No need. It’s fine,” she replied, eyes fixed on her phone.

“Mom, Diwali was last month. It’s time for a check-up.”

She paused but didn’t look up. “I feel fine. No problems.”

On my third attempt to offer help, she swiftly changed the topic: “I don’t have time for this. Also, when are you buying a house? All your friends already have one.”

But as I sat there, I realised this wasn’t just about her. This was us. We all do it.

Why do we bury our heads in the sand when the facts are screaming at us?

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What Is the Ostrich Effect?

The Ostrich Effect is a cognitive bias where we avoid negative (but useful) information because it feels easier to ignore reality than to face it.

Illustration of the Ostrich Effect showing an ostrich telling a man with his head buried in the sand, 'You know, this doesn’t work, right? You still have to pay your bills,' humorously depicting avoidance of problems to dodge psychological discomfort.
Ostrich Effect – Sticking your head in the sand won’t make the bills vanish… just ask the expert.

It’s not laziness—it’s our brain’s way of dodging discomfort.

And while ostriches don’t literally bury their heads in the sand1[Source] It is believed that the myth of ostriches burying their heads in the sand arose because ostriches lay their eggs in a hole dug in the ground, not in a nest. And when they are tending to their eggs there, it might look from afar like they are sticking their heads in the sand., humans might as well.

Why Do We Stick Our Heads in the Sand?

Loss Aversion: Bad News Feels Twice as Heavy

We hate losing more than we love winning—this is the basis of Daniel Kahneman’s famous prospect theory explained in the book, Thinking, Fast and Slow. A £50 loss stings more than a £50 gain feels good.

An image depicting loss aversion
When losing $100 feels like falling off a cliff, but winning $100 barely gets you over a speed bump. [Image source: The Visual Drawer]

    Take this example: Investors often avoid checking portfolios during market downturns, hoping ignorance will ease the pain2Karlsson, Niklas and Seppi, Duane J. and Loewenstein, George F., The ‘Ostrich Effect’: Selective Attention to Information About Investments (May 5, 2005). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=772125.. But here’s the twist—by avoiding those losses, they miss the opportunity to make smarter, timely decisions.

    The insight? Facing temporary discomfort leads to long-term control. Avoidance? It delays the inevitable.

    The ostrich effect is one of many cognitive biases that can lead us astray; understanding these biases is critical for making better decisions.

    Belief Protection: Reality Challenges Who We Are

    If you believe you’re “great at managing finances”, a glance at overdue bills can feel like a punch to the gut.

      Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance—the stress that comes when reality clashes with your self-image. So, instead of accepting the gap, we avoid anything that threatens our perception3Chang BP, Webb TL, Benn Y. Why Do People Act Like the Proverbial Ostrich? Investigating the Reasons That People Provide for Not Monitoring Their Goal Progress..

      It’s like stepping on a weighing scale after holiday indulgence—it’s easier to avoid knowing than to confront the truth.

      Emotional Avoidance: Fear of Failure (or Feedback)

      Let’s face it—no one likes hearing they aren’t doing great. Whether it’s a performance review at work or a fitness app reminding you that your steps are 50% lower than last week, these reminders often feel demoralising.

      Emotional reasons like fear of failure and worry about negative feedback are the most common excuses for avoiding progress checks4Chang BP, Webb TL, Benn Y. Why Do People Act Like the Proverbial Ostrich? Investigating the Reasons That People Provide for Not Monitoring Their Goal Progress..

        A colleague once told me: “I didn’t check my inbox for three days after missing a client call. I was sure I’d messed it up.” Turns out, it was fine, but the stress of avoidance was far worse than just dealing with the situation.

        How We Dodge Reality: Real-Life Ostrich Effect in Action

        Financial Freeze Mode

        Ever ignored a credit card bill after an expensive trip? You’re not alone.

        Many people delay payments to avoid facing the damage, even as interest piles up.

        Pro Tip: Automate payments and set budget alerts. It’s like a friendly nudge that saves future regret.

        Skipping Medical Check-Ups

        How many times have you thought, “I feel fine. I don’t need this test”? This is the ostrich effect at its most dangerous. Skipping regular health screenings can lead to catching conditions far too late.

        A Small Win: Schedule health reminders in advance. Pair them with something enjoyable—like lunch with a friend afterward.

        Workplace Procrastination

        Avoiding difficult feedback or delaying progress reports is common in corporate life. Yet, feedback often holds the key to growth.

        Avoidance often feels like a coping mechanism, but taking proactive steps—like applying Warren Buffett’s Noah Rule—can transform procrastination into meaningful action.

        An image depicting Warren Buffett's Noah Rule using two stick figure, one is resting in the sun and the other one is doing the work of building the boat.
        Warren Buffett’s Noah Rule

        Try This: Break down feedback sessions into specific, actionable topics. It’s less scary when it feels focused and manageable.

        Flip the Script: Turning the Ostrich Effect Into a Strength

        Surprisingly, avoiding some things strategically can actually help. Here’s how to do it right:

        Ignore Noise to Stay Focused

        Busy professionals don’t need to check every notification or news alert. Set aside “focus time” where you mute distractions. Four Thousand Weeks is a good book to understand how to effectively manage your time.

        For example, investors who don’t monitor daily stock swings often make better long-term decisions.

        Batch Emotional Tasks

        Dreading tough emails? Block one “power hour” each week to handle emotionally heavy tasks. Bundling them prevents procrastination from snowballing.

        Choose Strategic Ignorance

        Some information doesn’t deserve your attention. If monitoring every minor setback derails your productivity, let go of micromanaging. Focus on the bigger picture instead.

        Facing the Facts: A Small Step at a Time

        The ostrich effect isn’t a flaw—it’s a survival instinct. But when avoidance becomes habitual, it steals opportunities for growth.

        Next time you’re tempted to avoid something uncomfortable, ask yourself: What’s the smallest step I can take today?

        Sometimes, pulling your head out of the sand starts with just one decision.

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